It won’t be so fun when the rabbit gets the gun; you may not like it or agree, but you’re the sucker who can’t make Vitamin C. Your end met by the trigger finger of a hare. Life is precious, but it sure ain’t fair.

Vitamin C

Vic Love
8 min readNov 17, 2024

How is it we have endogenous brain receptors for synthetic psychedelics yet humans and guinea pigs are the only two mammals that don’t produce vitamin C?

How are we collectively punished like this?

What is the message here and from whom?

Our brains have a receptor for ketamine, but we get scurvy if we don’t eat acidic fruit. Who the freak are we?

We are the only animal that wears shoes. It’s a comfort thing; style too. Somewhere in the past, like pomeranians heels also became a thing.

We offer marginally redeeming social qualities, pheromones only good to ourselves, and manual labor. We are preoccupied constantly with wanting to improve our environment. And in so doing consistently make it worse. Some don’t give a shit and statistically that may be less harmful.

Our species started off on the wrong foot. The first couple got evicted from their home, fired from their sweet nudist tropical horticultural jobs. Forced to put on clothes and survive on a low income diet. They survived and managed to raise two kids. Then one, from behind, ends up bashing his brothers skull in. Then denied it.

This was not a real good start for the human race, and things have predominantly gotten more complicated ever since. In Genesis 6:5 God regrets ever creating us because He sees that there is nothing but “evil in our hearts until the end of time”.

Get a clue! That’s on the very first page of the Bible. God had a bit of an existential crisis in that moment since He made us in His image, but hey, He’s God, he killed most of us in a flood, then got over it. You know, it was His first time creating a Universe. Perhaps six days was a little rushed; a few extra days could worked things out a little better; I mean what is the Platypus and why?

The Most High will just let it play out. He will assist along the way, sure, by all means; he will even take human form to get a better taste for being loved, revered, cherished, ridiculed, beaten and killed, sigh, to be reborn. For this matter, it was Jesus, who after coming back from a bad three days, said to his disciples 1) don’ t touch me, and 2) good news and bad news…

Minor all the way up to major deities takes compassion in the fact that we as a species will forever remain sick in God’s eyes and largely a home grown disappointment. We keep trying though and that’s why He loves us. I too, like us a little.

If you could tap into the mind of God, it would please you to know He generally thinks everything is perfect and great as it is but does vow to do a better job on the Universe next time. Unfortunately, this does not help our situation.

For now, in our time, the Almighty has resigned Himself to mostly being an absentee landlord, you know, kind of when a nagging tenant has a problem every single week, whether a toilet is clogged, a light needs to be replaced, some fat ass broke the railing on the porch, or a President could use God’s hand of fate to turn his head in the nick of time. Frankly, who needs the aggravation, just pay your rent, fix your own shit and leave a message.

The wrathful God of the Old Testament mellowed out by the Second Act. He just wants us to be good stewards of the Earth, like if If you’re doing good, eating well, have the cash for fancy orthodontic work then perhaps you can consider giving a little - to protect disadvantaged Siamangs in Sumatra.

Find your cause outside yourself.

Try to ease some suffering for another sentient being, (not the Canadian version), this includes every living thing, even a rock, which can be smarter than some people. But most importantly, be kind.

Always make sure you have adequate Vitamin C or your gums will bleed, and if you’re vegetarian you need to supplement with B-12, that’s just the way it works.

Inside our bodies, cells build nano transport cages around iron molecules that get transported under cellular armed guards in our blood, why, because iron is so dangerous, but we need it, we can’t live without it.

Same goes for Oxygen, it’s toxic as hell, but you can’t live without it. I respire. Early on when we were goop, it was Oxygen that helped primordial life create the first membrane to manage something so corrosive and ignite us to evolve into an upstanding multicellular organism; This was 1.45 billion years ago, give or take an eon. Things are different now, our dreamy eyes and prehensile thumbs get us into so much trouble that we have to wear clothes and carry I.D.

Protium Hydrogen moves faster than light and won’t tell us the why or the how. We have a word for it though; ‘superluminal’. That’s a great word like ‘quantum tunneling.’ These are powerful terms, but not nearly as powerful as ‘compound interest’ and ‘residual income’. We are living in times where one’s experience can be hell and another’s utopia.

This is the post nuclear age, where an atomic three way brawl between smart, stupid, and leave me the bumbaclot alone is on pay per view and the government has a coupon for your complementary participation.

Did you not know, to the All Knowing, All Being, Hyper Loving Omni Intelligence Awareness we are a beast of burden?

We are God’s donkeys.

It’s up to you to be the best donkey for God you can be.

And for your own literal or proverbial donkey, , take good care of it, as it wants to be cared for, and God will take care of you.

Keep your donk chained, feeding it scraps, neglect and transgenic apples, and don’t expect any favors.

It’s a designer Universe!

My Mama told me, learn to code, but I didn’t listen. How could I? Mercury was all up in my grill and brain, unnecessary amalgam fillings and lifelong scars from jabs of vaccines. Modern life is meta. We get everything we ask for, even if we block out remembering the hard want that got us here.

Brain damage for geniuses, by the way, goes undiagnosed because they just become normal.

We are the only mammals that constantly talk shit about each other to make us feel better and are obsessed with controlling other people’s lives. We exist for gossip, politics and drama. Notice, I said mammals, because birds talk deep smack in their chirpy avian networks, but they are not as shallow.

But we, homo sapien sapien, with our hotwired, out-of-phase, frontal lobe to limbic brain relationship, lack of impulse control, and being perpetually forced and/or given license to kill for impersonal reasons under command one can argue only screws us up even more. We are also prone to believing conspiracies about ourselves. Forget for a moment that it is all true. Suspend your disbelief that we are sponges for soft lies and trauma. Do you sleepwalk through life dangerously unaware? You will be occasional graced, the ‘AHA!’ moment will find you. This will be followed by amnesia. We try so hard but most of God’s creatures are afraid of us, as we often fear ourselves.

Some want to eat us for quick caloric return. And other animals developed more evolutionary opportunistic strategies, to rely on us for sustained nourishment, massage, free shelter, psychological pressure and dewormer. How clever was canine and feline kind, when we mutated their genetic code for our vanity? They do generally seem to not have noticed, seems all is well.

But dolphins, and other sentient marine life, (shoutout to my octupi) secretly, I must tell you, closely hold a feeling to their slippery chests they will rarely betray. It is a deep contempt for bipeds with car keys. That’s us. If they weren’t so blissfully in some other world, and had better legal representation, their hostility would know no bounds. If you look at dolphin fins under X-ray, you will see five fingers, so it makes one think that millions of years ago when cetaceans were land creatures they looked at their five fingers and their prehensile thumbs, wiggled them and said, ‘shit, I see a vision my species in the future; these hands and these feet are just going to get me into unbeckoned drama, violence, existential angst and regret.’

‘Not me, dog, I’m going back in the ocean!’, the proto-dolphin proclaimed, confident it was the right evolutionary choice, trading hands for fins, feet for flippers, to spend eternity naked eating sushi and making little dolphin babies. What could go wrong? They didn’t plan on this hominid dropping LSD, snorting cocaine and getting a credit card.

On our terrestrial shore, we are the aquatic-ape augmented, prone to poor hygiene, bad manners and preoccupation with staying fed and warm at the expense of others. As our threat to ourselves grows at an exponential rate, we simply adapt to our failure and forgive ourselves unconditionally. It’s how we roll, destructive self-confidence. Zorba the Greek proclaimed ‘God gave us hands to grab!’ And that is what we do. Grab a fork. Grab a shovel. Grab some ass.

Some whales, unlike the dolphins are onto us, I got the side eye from one on a sunset booze cruise. A similar boat somewhere with a lot of whales got body slammed by a Humpback, 5 crew and 20 tourists lost at sea. Moby Dick is back. We are all Captain Ahab.

Orangutans are incredible mythic-like primates, but would have fared better chewing off our faces than appealing to our mercy, charity and humanity, which is what they are now stuck with. It’s like Australia and gun rights. Now that they took them, the people will never get them back. They can divert that money perhaps, cash an American would have dished out on a new AR-15, the civilized men of Europe and the commonwealth can redirect those finances toward hosing down a pachyderm in a sanctuary setting for a sizeable donation and posting it on your socials.

Every single person should wake up tomorrow morning and, 1) acknowledge that, you have inside you murdering mouth breathing trash, but then make that divine and conscious choice to not kill for sport and breathe through your nose.

Choose to not be hot garbage, rather vow be a model and caring human being capable of influencing harmony, prosperity and creative influence of the future; be fruitful and multiply, and, 2) remind yourself that before you speak or act, to always ask yourself if what you are about to say or do is an improvement on silence and doing nothing.

I think we still have time, so I suggest, it can be a good exercise to take a deep breath in, reflect, exhale bad air. And going forward, maybe think twice. Why?

Because it will not be much fun when the rabbit gets the gun!

Bunnies make their own Vitamin C. But evolution told us, ‘hey big brain, go solve it yourself.’ The meaning of life rhymes with Orange.

If you believe you can see things clearly, take a look in the mirror, it’s a lie, you only see a very narrow spectrum. And you’re probably on the spectrum and cognitively distorted. Is there much hope for you, really? You see things at a pedestrian wavelength, a visual simp compared to the deadly punchy, Mantis Shrimp.



Vic Love
Vic Love

Written by Vic Love

Victor Sagalovsky (Vic Love) is a health expert and cofounder of Litewater Scientific. He enjoys writing with humor, wit and wisdom, and sometimes pulls it off.

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